There aren’t very many magic pills when it comes to boosting web traffic. Sure, you could hire an Instagram influencer to pimp your product in a post, but outside of throwing big money at the problem, methods for guaranteeing an increase in visitors to your website are always a  tricky proposition. However…SEO absolutely works. Time and again, statistics prove over and over that the strategic use of the right keywords can show an almost immediate lift in your position in Google search rankings.  Over 90 percent of online experiences start with a search. Over 90 percent of searches start with Google. And since 75 percent of users never scroll past the first page of search results, it’s easy to see how landing at the top of that all-important Google search can make all the difference between success and failure. With a resource like the Brand Overflow SEO Rank and Keyword Tool (starting at $33.15, over 90 percent off) with promo code “SPRINGSAVE15,” you’ll have access to everything you need to find the exact keywords and optimization techniques to land you atop the Google mountain. With Brand Overflow, all you have to do is list some of your business-specific topics, then let Brand Overflow turn those terms into a list of keywords that best suit your business. They’ll organize those keywords by search volume, their historical traffic trend and the average cost-per-click for ads using that term, which should give you an added idea of their overall value. They even gauge the difficulty you’ll face in trying to get search traction with your targeted keyword.  Once you’ve settled on the terms that work best for you, Brand Overflow’s visually compelling interface with easy-to-read charts can track SEO by city, state, or country, find insights into other domains or traffic channels to amplify your message, and offer up daily reports so you’ll always know how your SEO and keyword efforts are going at a glance. Depending on the size of your business, Brand Overflow offers lifetime subscription plans based on the number of keywords you want to track. Small operations can get going on up to 50 keywords for only $33.15. You can also scale up to plans for up to 100 keywords ($50.15), 250 keywords ($84.15), 500 keywords ($169.15) with the use of promo code: SPRINGSAVE15.  Prices are subject to change.