During this long-lasting lockdown, parents might have to conjure up all kinds of tricks to keep kids busy. So, we’ve decided to help you a bit with some free tools for your kids ranging from free audiobooks to movies.
Michelle Obama will be reading a classic children’s story every Monday on PBS lives. If your kids are not satisfied with your bedtime stories, don’t worry. Disney’s bedtime hotline will help your kids sleep with messages from characters such as Micky Mouse and Goofy. Audible is offering free audiobooks for kids including the Harry Potter and Philosopher’s Stone till schools open up.
— Audible (@audible_com) March 19, 2020
Lifehacker has a handy list of podcasts just for kids. Everywhere School has a bunch of fun courses for your children from football skills to painting. All Kids Network has thousands of craft and coloring sheets you can download for free. Sir David Attenborough is going to teach students about the ocean and animals on the BBC.
— Scott Bryan (@scottygb) April 19, 2020
Video of the day
Best movie ever?
Meme of the day
Stay safe!