This is big news for the events industry, and it comes at a time we’re all longing for in-person events. With a vaccine rate that’s steeply increasing and more vaccination capacity in the next months, the Netherlands is on track to get everyone above 18 vaccinated during the summer. It goes without saying that we’re very happy to see this development. TNW Conference, which takes place on September 30 and October 1, will have a hybrid setup. An in-person event in Amsterdam and a digital event for people who prefer to join virtually. The in-person tech festival will have a smaller capacity compared to previous years; we have room for (only) 4500 people. We will have health measures in place of course, but being able to actually rub shoulders again and chat with people without a face mask makes the experience so much more enjoyable. Uncertain times ask for different measures, so we’d already put a new policy in place that lets attendees get a refund (no questions asked) for the in-person part of the ticket in case the event cannot take place. This offer still stands, but we’re obviously stoked with the news that large-scale, in-person events are allowed again. We can’t wait to see each other again in Amsterdam! Tickets for TNW Conference are available at Super Early Bird prices still, and during UEFA EURO 2020 we even have temporary discounts for both the in-person and the digital event based on how your country is performing.
For more info, read the (Dutch) article on It’s expected that more European countries will follow with a similar statement and that the industry can finally change its collective mindset: Back to Business.